J.D. Parker Books
Official Publisher
Maybe you have noticed the publisher name, J.D. Parker Books, on the title page of your book.
J.D. Parker Books is the official publishing house of all books authored by John Daniel Parker, who publishes under two pen names, John D. Parker and J. D. Parker. J.D. Parker Books is also the publisher of audiobooks narrated by John D. Parker.
At this time, J.D. Parker Books is not publishing books by other authors.
Thank you for your interest and for reading and listening to books I author, narrate, and publish. In all roles in book creation and production, I strive to provide the highest quality of content and materials.
J.D. Parker Books is registered in Colorado, USA.
Special Dedication to Germaine Marie (Roy) Parker
It is not uncommon for a mother to read to her children, but my mom and I read to each other regularly until I moved out of the folks’ house my sophomore year of college. While one was busy preparing dinner, setting the table, doing dishes or laundry, the other would read aloud for both to enjoy together. We read (and cried) through all the middle grade and young adult classics and many more works of fiction and a few nonfiction. My wife and I continued this tradition, reading to each other and with our children.
I was thankful when my mom attended my theatrical performances and plays I directed, but of all things, I was blessed to read some of my stories to her before she passed in the spring of 2023.
Reading, especailly to others, has been and continues to be one of the great joys of my life. One of many gifts of love from my mom. And though she may not have enjoyed some of the stories I write and narrate (she read a daily devotional and loved mysteries, detective and historical fiction), it is to Mom that I dedicate all my authoring and narrating efforts.